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​International Membership

Residential Real Estate Council aspires to help our members succeed.

Membership Benefits

Membership Benefit - Education


RRC eLearning courses and webinars present current, relevant, and practical real estate concepts in an interactive, multimedia format that can be taken anytime wherever there is an internet connection. As a member, you have access to a free webinar library, which we add more than 20 new webinars to each year.

Membership Benefit - Education


Our award-winning magazine, The Residential Specialist, covers RRC news, industry trends, as well as in-depth features about technology, marketing strategies, and business-building ideas. Members also receive complimentary access to the Inman Select News, the leading resource for real estate technology information.

Membership Benefit - Education


RRC has many tools to help you promote your expertise. For example, customize the Your Home Newsletter for your prospects and customers, or visit our Market Yourself resource center (a favorite member benefit) to get ideas and support on how to bring the professional edge to your communications.

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