Agreement of applicant
In making this application, and in consideration of joining the Residential Real Estate Council, I understand and agree to the following:
1.- I represent and certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information contained in this application is true and accurate as of the date of this application, and I understand that if this information is not true and accurate, this may be a reason for termination of membership.
2.- I understand that as a Candidate I cannot use the CRS Designation until it has been awarded to me upon completion of the Designation requirements, and I have been notified in writing. Such misuse will be cause for summary termination of membership. I also understand that once I am awarded the CRS Designation, I must maintain my membership in good standing in the Residential Real Estate Council, including the payment of annual dues, and meet any education maintenance requirement, to continue to hold and use the CRS Designation.
3.- I irrevocably waive any claim or causal action of law or equity that I may have in the future against the Residential Real Estate Council, its Board of Directors, officers, committee members, employees or other persons cooperating with the Residential Real Estate Council either as a group or individuals, for any act or failure to act in conjunction with my membership or the business of the Residential Real Estate Council.
4.- If admitted to membership in the Council, I agree to abide by the Bylaws and Regulations as they currently exist and as they may be amended in the future by the Council, as well as such policies and procedures as the Residential Real Estate Council may promulgate from time to time.